Stonehenge. Acoustics like a cathedral

11 June 2013 | Category: Spiritual places, churches & temples, Great Sound

Source: Wikipedia

Ancient examples of architecture such as Stonehenge are good for more than attracting green men from outer space or for dancing in on Midsummer clothed in animal hides. New research in archaeoacoustics shows that in principle, Stonehenge has the same acoustical functions as a cathedral, with a rich acoustical environment and considerable reverb.

And how exactly has this been arrived at? It’s like this… while the original is more or less an attractively arranged pile of rocks, there is a copy of how Stonehenge could have looked when it was built in – where else – the US. Dr Bruno Fazenda (with a PhD in Room Acoustics and Psychoacoustics) in Maryhill, Washington and his colleagues at the universities in Huddersfield and Bristol in the UK, have tested the acoustical values to get an idea of how it could of sounded when worshipers hummed, bellowed and prayed. And it sounds… pretty good!

We at Fellert have to tip our neolithic hats to the builders.

Indepth look:
Salford scientists reveal the ‘sound of Stonehenge’
Solving Stonehenge: The New Key to an Ancient Enigma
Sound Tourism – A Travel Guide to Sonic Wonders

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